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Last modified on 10/4/2023 10:30 AM by User.

Welcome to the Bayer Crop Science U.S., Request Tracking Site


Any users who do not have an account, can submit a request via the email address


This section contains information you will need to successfully use the Bayer CS US Ticketing System.

If you do not have access or have problems with your login, please contact the system administrator, Melina Price:

Content Authoring Workflows, Timelines and Copy Docs:

  • Timelines do not include Legal Review or any other steps in the Content Authoring Workflow (E2E Content Authoring, Break/Fix and New Functionality Workflow.pdf). 
  • Copy Docs for Content Submissions:
  • Times are for initial creation of content on the website by the content author only and do not include changes requested through the review process.
    • Small changes (such as small changes to text or images): 1-2 days
    • Larger/more complex changes (such as complete movement of components, copy and images): 3 days
    • New pages or sections: 5 days
      **Depends on complexity of the request and area of the site where the page/section is requested.**

Things To Remember:

  • All required information and supporting collateral must be submitted in advance of due date. The turnaround time clock starts when all information needed to complete the request has been entered into the ticketing system and assigned to a content author. 
  • Due date refers to the date the content must appear live on the site. If there is a specific time the content must appear on the site, please put that information in the request details section of the ticket.
  • One working day is equal to 1 eight hr. day. Please take in consideration any holidays when the Bayer site is closed when making request.
  • Please don't forget to subscribe to each ticket you open. This will ensure that you are notified of all action taken regarding your request. The subscribe link can be found in the lower left column of the ticket once it is saved.
  • Please remember that request requiring development work must be reviewed by IT. Due dates must take into consideration the development deployment schedule. 
